To maintain high international safety standards and to guarantee the life of our collaborators in operational activities is our primary objective, in addition to the added value of the living and strategic commitment that our corporation demonstrates; it is our faithful compliance to implement permanent improvement policies in occupational health and safety that reduce the inherent risks.

To comply with national standards, regulations, laws and decrees on Quality, Health, Safety and Environment, as well as the standards and procedures of INTEGRAL ENERGY PLUS. This is a responsibility of everyone in the company and an obligation of management to ensure compliance.

Guarantee optimal working and safety conditions through the implementation and dissemination of the integral HSEQ -program, in order to minimize and control risks inherent to the activity, as well as the optimal maintenance of the equipment and materials used in the daily work.

To carry regular inspections in order to detect unsafe acts and/or unsafe conditions that could cause an accident, incident, occupational disease or damage to the environment. It is the company's duty to investigate, notify and disclose any undesirable event in a timely manner to the corresponding agencies and implement corrective actions to avoid its repetition.

To preserve the environment through the effective use of natural resources and energy, preventing pollution at its source, reducing, managing and disposing of substances, materials, hazardous waste and effluents in an appropriate manner.

To establish occupational health programs and/or plans that allow us to maintain our workers and/or employees in good conditions to enjoy their free time, rest and social tourism.

To implement mechanisms that guarantee an adequate, propitious and harmonious work environment for the full exercise of the physical and psychological faculties of workers, employees and apprentices, respecting equal opportunities.

To promote job satisfaction, establishing motivational measures, plans and programs to maintain a good working environment among the personnel.

To recruit qualified personnel with a high degree of responsibility and commitment to the execution of their activities, providing them with training and development, both in their trade as well as in the areas of HSEQ -, to achieve better performances of their activities, maintaining a preventive attitude in the latter.

To evaluate the HSEQ -- System, with the implementation of audits to detect deviations that may affect the conditions, safe working environment and all documentation to take corrective actions ensuring continuous improvement, achieving excellence in our organization.
